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(2021). Genetic ancestry and ethnic identity in Ecuador. Front. Genet..

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(2021). The Impact of Ethnicity and Genetic Ancestry on Disease Prevalence and Risk in Colombia. Front. Sustain. Food Syst..

Source Document

(2021). The Impact of Ethnicity and Genetic Ancestry on Disease Prevalence and Risk in Colombia. Front. Genet..

Source Document

(2021). Genomic characterization and computational phenotyping of nitrogen-fixing bacteria isolated from Colombian sugarcane fields. Sci rep.

Preprint Source Document

(2020). Real-time, interactive website for US-county-level COVID-19 event risk assessment. Nat Hum Behav.

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COVID-19 Risk Assessment

Real-time, interactive website for US-county-level COVID-19 event risk assessmentfic


Global Distribtion of Genetic Traits - is a visual platform for exploring the genetic basis of human phenotypic diversity


Genetic ancestry and health in the Colombian Pacific

Prediction of Type VI Secretion Systems in Vibrio cholerae


A central repository for: (1) Exploring known information regarding RAMPs, GPCRs and associated ligands; (2) Predicting potential RAMP interactions with your sequence or ligand; (3) Visualizing currently known interactions between RAMPs, GPCRs and ligands